Island Hoping (5) – Tokyo

I know my posting came to a stand still, but I took some time tonight to upload my photos from Tokyo. After Matsumoto, Steven and I headed back south to a warmer Tokyo. There, we met up Angela and a couple hours later some other folks joined the fun! More photos here.

Some things I learned in Tokyo:

  • The subway is pretty darn convenient. Plus, I like the pleasant sounds that play when they arrive in the station.
  • There are a LOT of Japanese people. This one is probably obvious, but when you are crossing the street in Shibuya, it is a little scary.
  • You can drink on the streets. Why buy drinks at the bar when you can walk across the street and drink in front of 7-11?
  • Tuna fish are big. I’d freak out if there were a bunch of these things swimming next to me.
  • I’m not sure how Japanese people are as skinny as they are because I would be 10 pounds heavier if I lived there. The fried chicken they sell at Family Mart (kinda like 7-11) should be taken seriously.
  • Only in Japan can you go to a bar called The Lockup and be handcuffed and served drinks with fake eyeballs in them.
  • Abercrombie & Fitch is not a clothing store. It is a daytime club with guest list and bouncers.
  • If you think getting a private karaoke room is fun, you need to try and get your own private virtual golf room.
  • The streets are so clean. Problem is, you feel bad littering so you walk around for blocks with random trash in your hand and no garbage cans to throw it away.
  • Tokyo is best enjoyed with friends. Thanks Atsuko for showing us around!

You Had Me At Hello
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Island Hopping (4) – Matsumoto

From modern Osaka, Steven and I headed north toward Nagano to Matsumoto where we got a much more authentic experience at the Muramyo Ryokan. Before you ask “Why Charles did you end up going to Matsumoto?”, the answer is simple. When planning the trip, we googled “samurai castles” and Matsumoto Castle is the second coolest castle in all of Japan (behind Himeji). Check out more pictures here.

Here are things we learned in Matsumoto

  • Japanese people are really nice. This guy was going to walk 10 minutes with us to our Ryokan when we got lost. It took a lot longer to explain to him that he didn’t need to escort us
  • Even when it is snowing and freezing, Japanese girls still walk around wearing skirts. Crazy.
  • Did I mention that Japanese castles are really amazing?
  • Not a big fan of horse sashimi
  • The really old ryokan was surprisingly very comfortable, not to mention the shared bathroom smelled very pleasant.

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Island Hopping (3) – Osaka and Himeji

Happy New Years! To help bring in the new year, some more Japan photos…

From Kyoto, we headed to Himeji for the day to check out the castle there and then back to a modern Osaka. Here are a few things we took away from these two cities.

  • Japanese castles are seriously amazing. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves
  • Riding bikes around Japanese castles is even more fun than it sounds
  • It is really clean… everywhere
  • Blowfish is not bad… and hardly as dangerous as the Simpsons makes it out to be
  • Confused why they get small Japanese women to carry luggage to our room… it not only didn’t feel right, but she probably couldn’t even lift our bags anyway
  • I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more neon lights in Osaka than in Las Vegas

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Island Hopping (2) – Kyoto

Kyoto was our first stop after Tokyo. We were only there for a few days but it was plenty of time to hit up some shrines and temples around the city. Whether it was towering arches, peaceful rock gardens, bright gold paneling, or a massive bamboo forest… each site was unique. More photos are posted here.

Here are a few things we learned in Kyoto:

  • The Shinkansen (bullet train) is seriously fast
  • Fresh mochi is really really good
  • You tend to spend a lot of Yen when making wishes at different shrines
  • Even if you lose your bus map, you can still find your way around Kyoto
  • McDonalds in Japan serves Shake Shake chicken which is not only delicious, but fun to eat

I Like Gold
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P.S. For those that have been following my “weekly” photo posting, you might have noticed that I didn’t quite make it. Today is the last day of the year and well… I clearly didn’t fulfill my “weekly” goal. Regardless, I am going to cheat and continue posting into 2010 until I get 50. Happy New Year!

Island Hopping (1) – Tokyo for a night

Just got off the plane… a little jet lagged from my 3 week long trip hopping islands in Asia. I am still on holiday so I’ll be taking some breaks to post more pictures. First island… Japan.

Things we learned on our first night in Tokyo:

  • The Japanese know how to make fried pork really really well
  • Izakaya = a bar/restaurant where you can eat/drink/hang out until the next morning
  • My Goh? (while pointing at yourself) = I am lost.
  • [Insert destination] doko? = Where is [desitnation]?
  • Yoshinoya is not as great as Jason claims it to be

Karaoke and Toast
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