Penthouse Photo Series

Samir and Kevin didn’t know about charlesspot until a few weeks ago and they gave me crap that I haven’t posted anything on here about them. In my defense, I didn’t post anything during the first semester, but I guess that really isn’t an excuse. So to appease those needy bastards, I am going to do a 3 part photo series. Also, despite the title of the post, this will be PG-13.

Soft Lips and Sunglasses

*photo compliments of Helen’s iphone

98 notches

Last Thursday I got to listen to Ursula Burns, the current CEO and Chairman of Xerox. I won’t repeat her story which you can read about on Wikipedia here, but I did jot down a few quotes that resonated. I’m not the type to keep a moleskin around, but I figure this blog is an alternative…

Where you are does not define who you are.”

“In life, you control 98 notches. The other 2, you can squash.”

“Let them see you sweat. Chill out… leaders don’t have to be perfect and infallible.”

Note: they may not be exact quotes but you get the idea.