
In 2008 I realized that I lived in a little bubble called nor-cal and that I was missing out on the world around me. As a result, I decided to make a promise to myself: I’d visit a new country every year for the rest of my life. This is my log to keep track of that promise and how I’m doing…

2008 – Italy
2009 – Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong (kyoto, osaka, matsumoto, more tokyo, yokohama, hong kong)
2010 – Dominican Republic
2011 – Israel
2012 – Thailand
2012 – Vietnam
2012 – Korea
2012 – Iceland
2012 – Germany
2012 – Netherlands
2012 – British Virgin Islands
2012 – Austria
2012 – Ibiza
2012 – Prague
2012 – London
2013 – Utah (not a new country but I’ll count it..)
2014 – Brazil

Places I want to go…
New Zealand

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