What Color?

Thought this email from my dad was pretty interesting. If you have an preference on color, I think he is currently taking votes.

My dad’s initial email

Hi all,

I like to order this hat for me. Please pick a color.



My mom’s response

I like cream/sand (3rd one) NOT tan/everest.
Reason: better color to match all color of shirts. It is for summer so
ligter one is better.
Hope you won’t look “funny” when you wear this kind of hat.
You could check with your beloved daugher and son.

Go Bay Area Sports

Just talking to Norman how sweet it is to see Bay Area sports teams represent. I’ll admit that I’m not a die hard fan and haven’t watched ever Sharks game this season or felt the hurt the past 13 years when the Warriors didn’t make the playoffs… but hopefully this blog post will give me a little bit of credit…

Go Sharks!
Go Warriors!

“We Believe”

man… that is the perfect slogan…

Beach House Part Deux

Last year, someone had the great idea (Lu? Eiki? Lu and Eiki?) of renting a beach house in Stinson Beach for a weekend. We had such a good time that we decided to go again this past weekend to not only celebrate Lu and Eiki’s birthday, but to relax, enjoy the beach, and have a few drinks together. The weather wasn’t the greatest, but we made the best of it.

Here are some photos:
Paul’s photo album
Lauren’s camera shots

Looking forward to the beach house next year.

Stupid Ideas

Here are some stupid ideas that may one day turn out to be not so stupid… probably by a long shot. Anyway, this is the kind of stuff that I have been thinking about recently because Laurie has been busy with work and class and Toby isn’t that great to talk to…

Idea 1: You might have heard me talk about this one before but I seriously think it will be a multi-million dollar drug industy some day. Something that prevents Asian glow. I have seen girls discreetly swallow a Pepcid AC prior to drinking. Plus, I turn red after half a sip of beer so I would a big consumer.

Idea 2: Netflix style magazine subscriptions. Sometimes, I only want to read a specific magazine for a particular month instead of subscribing for the entire year. I know you can buy them at the news stand, but the cover prices are ridiculous. There has got to be a better way to get only the issues you want, without having to buy each one individually.

Idea 3: Networked laundry machines. Who carries around $5 of quarters anyway? I know that there are machines that take cards, but why not just hook it all up to the internet and accept credit cards? Hell, I bet it sucks to empty out all those machines anyway and bring it to the bank to exchange all the quarters for cash. Everyone is a winner!

Idea 4: Similar to Idea 3, networked parking meters. Berkeley would be a great place to pilot this type of meter. Half the meters are already broken anyway… might as well replace them with technologically superior ones. Sad thing is that I think the city actually likes issuing all those parking tickets as a source of income…

Ok, I’ll stop now.