Category Archives: Blogs

Action Packed Weekend

Friday: After work I drove up to Jack London Square with Christina (who started blogging again! woo hoo!) and some Berkeley pals to chow down on some Chicken & Waffles (aka. a heartattack on a plate). Luckily, I was startving and nothing hit the gut better than 1/2 chicken (2 drumstricks and 2 thighs) and 2 waffles. After gaining 5 pounds, we went back to our old stomping grounds and had a few pitchers at Raleighs. Good times… not so good looking girls for Yuta…

Saturday: Laurie and I got all dressed up and went to the Computer History Museum in Mt. View for the Intuit holday party. Free food, open bar, and some dope coworkers… who could ask for a better party. Sadly I don’t have any pictures from the “bougie” (vocab I learned from Ronni) event, but my “Back In Black” coworker has a couple of himself, his nice pink tie, and my new blogger friend. I do however have plenty of pictures from Suede where we celebrated some birthdays later in the night. Again good times…

Sunday: I was a little slow the entire day. Thank goodness for cable television and football.

Soundtrack To Your Life

Don’t you ever wonder what life would be like if there was a soundtrack to it? Or… what if life was a musical instead. All conversations would essentially include some sort of catchy chorus (and maybe throw in a dance or two). How crazy would that be? Next time you are at work in a meeting, think about it…..

I know my life soundtrack would include a lot of Jack Johnson for those lazy, sunny days, some hip hop for nights I feel like partying, and maybe some classical stuff while at work… What would be on your soundtrack?

Also for your viewing pleasure, I added some galleries with some recent photos.

It is cold

My dad says I am too soft to live in Ohio because I have been spoiled by California weather. He is absolutely correct. Is it just me or is it literally bone chilling cold these past few nights?

On a more random note, here are some other things that I noticed this past weekend that may be of interest to you movie buffs out there.

1. Did you know that you can now rent DVDs at.. Safeway? They have these cool automated machines that dispense new DVD releases. James and I checked it out this past weekend and get this.. your first rental is FREE! Just use the promo code “DVD123.” It is perfect for renting movies that no one else wants to watch with you. For instance, we got Da Vinci Code (I think we were the only ones that hadn’t watched it in Cupertino..) and Accepted (Did you know the main character is the Mac Guy?).

2. Did you notice that Bond drove some Ford? Granted his other car was sweet… but it is just doesn’t seem right.

Why would you do that?

I’m not sure if you heard about OJ Simpson’s book (that apparently is no longer being printed) about how he “would” have killed Nicole and Ronald Goldman. He apparently did it for the money but it still just doesn’t make sense to me. Part of me feels bad for OJ, but it just seems like a poor choice of judgement. Then again… maybe OJ just doesn’t make great choices period…

I still remember how surprised I was in 8th grade when he was declared not guilty. Mr. Wishnack specifically brought in a tv to watch the verdict and once it was made, all the junior high kids went nuts. Do you remember where you were when this man was set free?

i'm clever

Interesting Ohio

I went out to Akron, Ohio for work this past week. It turned out to be a relaxing trip with a few interesting highlights.

1. Sleeping with oatmeal – In Akron, I stayed at the Crowne Plaza which used to be the old Quaker Mills plant. The hotel converted the old silos into an entire hotel. I must say, it is a little awkward to sleep in a circular room…
2. Getting stuck – You know those movies where people get stuck in the elevator for hours? Well, it happens in real life. Luckily it didn’t happen to me… but it did happen to 16 football players from the East Michigan football team. Still wonder how all those guys fit in there…. Hopefully it wasn’t a reason for their loss the following day
3. Italians on a plane – Is it just me or when people speak Italian, they sound so passionate? The elderly couple sitting behind me on the plane sounded like they were having a heated debate, but I can imagine they were just chatting about the weather or what they had for dinner…