Fix It All

At Pixar they have some really cool “contests.” One of these is to make a short film!! How cool is that??

Anyways, the rules are simple.
1. It needs to have the following line of dialog: “Emeryville is lovely in the autumn
2. There needs to be an annoyingly obvious product placement
3. The genre is Romantic Comedy

Tebow Weekend

Not only did Tebow (the qb) get a start with Denver this past weekend, but I got to hang with Tebow (the dog) while Mike and Nicole were away. I think she was comfortable here at the penthouse, what do you think?



Hogging the Bed


Find My Iphone Works

This is a TRUE story. Another great invention by Steve Jobs that really works.

1. Phone is lost. What to do?!?
2. Login to
3. Send message to make the phone create an alarm noise at loudest setting
4. Walk around apartment trying to find phone
5. Walk onto the street
6. Find phone under parked car on street!!
7. Fist pump
8. Bust out joy dance