I’m On A Boat!

Although I showed up a tad bit late to the party, I still had an amazing time in the British Virgin Islands. Great crew, lots of sun, and a wonderful way to spend some quality time with Sloanies that I have come so close with. The past 2 years have been life-changing and unforgettable.

See the rest of the pictures here.

Costa Concordia Crew

Sloan Sails

Iceland => Germany => Amsterdam

A few years ago, we decided to take a big Europe trip when we all turned 30. I turned 30 at the end of 2011. An amazing trip that I will always remember. Here are some highlights:

– Enjoying the nightlife/morninglife (runtur)
– Renting a Land Rover and driving around the countryside from 6PM – 6AM

Germany (Munich & Berlin)
– 235 km/hr on the autobahn in a Porsche 911
– Relaxing in the beer garden at the Clarchens Ballhaus with new friends
– Walking along the East Side Gallery

– Riding around town on our bikes
Van Gogh Museum
– BBQ and relaxing in the park

Got Seoul

Some amazing experiences from this spring break in Korea… the Korean organizers really outdid themselves. Not only did we get to practice being Korean monks, eat some curious meals, and rock it at the bus/restaurant/club/etc, we got a great look into what its like to “be” Korean. Come sah mi dah.

Check out the photos here.


Soju Holders