Happy Valentines Day

My v-day was relatively uneventful but my roomies got some love… as in some pillows to the face. Here are some great shots of the annual valentines day pillow fight taken by lij’s iphone. Enjoy!

Lijen and Amy getting geared up for the big fight. Lij apparently was a pretty popular target with his helmet. Haha, this picture is hillarious!
Getting geared up

The masses… beautiful night in SF to have a pillow fight. Sad I missed out.
The masses

There is always next year…

Five Love Languages

I have more evidence that my mom thinks I’m completely lousy with the ladies… For those that have followed my blog, you know this isn’t the first time my mom has given me romantic advice.

I came home to hang out in Cupertino for a low key weekend, and on my bed I found the following book: The Five Love Languages (website). Apparently the book is a New York Times Bestseller. The whole book is about “How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate.” I’m starting to think my mom finds me a cold hearted bastard…

If you are having issues “speaking the same language” with the opposite sex, let me know. You are more than welcome to borrow my book.

Our first Hinckley Christmas

Since this is our first Christmas in SF, Amy and Lijen went out and got us a tree named Peanut!! He is about 2 feet tall and smells like a forest. Last night, while singing Christmas songs, we decorated Peanut with lights, heart ornaments, some popcorn, and topped him with a sweet star.


Come by and say hello to Peanut and sing a few Christmas carols while you are here. Happy Holidays!