All posts by Charles

To Drink or Not To Drink?

While waiting in line the other day to get a pearl milk tea from Fantasia, I started talking to Bert (who has officially become a Nor-Cal resident) about how many calories were in one of these pearl filled drinks. We didn’t come to any conclusive answer, but for those people that crave random trivia or always wonder “how many calories is in this thing”… read on.

I couldn’t find any published Fantasia nutritional facts online, but based on the various sources, it turns out that these pearl milk teas might have quite a few more calories than you would expect. According to, one of these drinks has 340 calories. While other sites neglect to say a specific number, they explain that the majority of the calories come from the following:

1. the milk which can ranges in calories based on what type: low fat, non fat, etc.
2. the pearls which may have 7-14 calories for each pearl!! (the number of pearls per drink ~ 30?)

Basically, with these figures, some sites claim that one drink can get upwards of 500-800 calories depending on the size.

Some more drink trivia:
Grande Caramel Macchiato w. 2% Milk – 225 Calories
Krispy Kreme Glazed Donut – 200 Calories
In-N-Out Burger Vanilla Shake – 680 Calories
Diet Dr. Pepper – 0 Calories

Beauty and the Geek?

I have been watching Beauty and the Geek this season and have become a fan… however, this past week I discovered from a trustworthy source, that one of the “geeks” is not a real geek. Apparently, this “geek” was a varsity soccer player AND dated a cheerleader. I don’t know how you guys define “geek” but that sure doesn’t sound like one to me….

I have always had this suspicion that the show “geekifies” the geeks in order to make their transformation more dramatic. This can also be referred to as the “She’s All That” effect. My theory is that the show has a lot of incentive to do this in order to make the show more entertaining and improve the possiblity of a geek & beauty romance which apparently also happens in the first season. Coincidence? I think not.

Anyway, I still am going to watch the show, but it is not as cool as I thought it was.

Don’t Let Him Trick You

liloutlaws (8:47:12 PM): jeebus i’m still at work
chrlez (8:47:43 PM): gawd why
chrlez (8:47:50 PM): trying to figure out the backup thing?
liloutlaws (9:08:56 PM): just enchancing some of my code
chrlez (9:09:01 PM): nice
liloutlaws (9:09:05 PM): i need to get this shit doen soon that’s why
chrlez (9:09:07 PM): dude, my ass you don’t like coding
liloutlaws (9:09:13 PM): coding is okay
chrlez (9:09:16 PM): hahahhahaha
liloutlaws (9:09:20 PM): i don’t hate it

New Comp & New Pics

I bought a new computer today. I won’t waste your time by telling you all the details, but I feel like it is a significant change in my life. It is a little sad to say goodbye to my old computer which I personally hand crafted as a senior in high school, but I already have some special plans for the old hardware…. I’ll keep you posted with the details once I figure them out.

Anyway, here is a cool picture of my coworkers and I on our Segway tour of SF. I had a pretty dope Segway with carbon fiber accents. The tour wasn’t all that interesting, but cruising around and getting pointed at by asian tourists made it worthwhile.
Segwaying it

Here are more pictures from our QuickBooks “Ship Trip”. Although it didn’t involve any boats, we rocked out at the Warfield in SF.
QuickBooks Rocks
Rocking out at the Warfield

The Gentlemen
The Gentlemen

My Hot Date
My hot date

Micronta Music

For those that have had the pleasure of riding in my car the past few days, you may have realized that I did not listen to music. No radio, no cds, no mp3 player.. nothing. The reason is because my car stereo decided to take a vacation and not inform me as to why. Thanks to Eddy and his old school Micronta 1000 Ohms/Volt Multitester, I was able to drag my stereo out of its hibernation. Woo hoo! I can now listen to La Romantica! [insert dance of joy here]

BTW, in case you were curious, the problem was a bad connector which was depriving my stereo of power.