Getting Fitbit

Samir and I purchased new Fitbits to track our activity throughout the day. It was a little pricey but I was interested in checking out my “analytics.” Before you make fun of me, here are a few things that I have discovered since October.

1. I seem to be a lot more active when I’m not in school, but I am still ranking in the 76% for “activity.”
2. I’m more active on Wednesday and Thursday… I suspect BHP and C-Functions are to blame.
3. I’m a lazy slob on Sunday.
4. I tracked my sleeping for a week back in January and I wake up typically 8 times at night. I stopped because it was just too tedious to enter my sleep hours everyday. I disregarded one night where I woke up 66 times… btw, it isn’t what you think.

The Fitbit is a bit difficult to keep up with though… entering food, sleep, exercise, etc. all manually is a bit painful. I have yet to try the iPhone app which might make this slightly easier. Also, wish I could bring this bad boy into the pool… Overall though, it is a pretty cool gadget. Geek pride.

Amazon Primed

(image compliments of sindy)

I’m not sure what is going on, but I think I can admit that I am an Amazon Prime addict. Amazon and their clever scheme to give the service away to students has made me… dependent. I am starting to filter results by things that are eligible for Prime and ONLY considering those options. I don’t know when this happened, but here are some quick stats that I pulled:

2009 purchases – 9
2010 purchases – 31
2011 purchases – 7… already

On a related online shopping theme, my friend Jessica has started a new blog to help folks that are bad at buying presents or just buy bad presents. Regardless, check out the goods at her blog:

The Present Perfect