Lots of things to be happy for the past few days… thought it deserved a post on the spot.
– Michelle – To grad school and beyond! Hoping to hear about the NPR story too =).
– Bryan – Welcome back to the west coast. Many Vegas, snowboarding, and surfing expeditions to come….
– Jieae + Laurie – Congrats on the grad school acceptances my Italian friends! Even though you are going to the dark side, keep in mind that you will always be a bear. Go Bears!
– Jess – Congrats on the new job!!
– Potter Puppet Pals – congrats to winning the YouTube video awards! I knew it was a winner.
Did I miss anything? Let me know so I can update this post.
Spring is here. Put those poopy faces away.
UPDATED 3/26: Added a few more congratulations!!