All Hail Caesar!

Greetings from Rome! After a grueling 14 hours of travel, we finally made it. All I have to say is that this city is simply amazing. Something about the cobble stone streets and the old massive cathedrals makes me want to slow my life down, have a cup of coffee, and watch people stroll by. In our first day we already got to check out some core attractions… but instead of boring you with all the details, I will post my pictures when I get home.

Here are a few things I have already learned so far:
1. Kids are clever. Laurie almost got picked by these little girls on the subway (granted, there wasn’t anything to steal besides her Lonely Planet book…). Luckily, a nice local woman tipped us off on what was happening.
2. Italian buildings blow my mind. If you are into architecture at all.. you have to come here.
3. Eggplant pizza is extremely awesome. Do I need to say more?

Time for breakfast and another action packed day. Ciao!

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