My Dad Uses YouTube

I received an email the other day from my dad which to my surprise included a link to a YouTube video. I was surprised simply because it wasn’t the typical business article or “How to Save for Retirement” type advice that I am used to. At first, I couldn’t imaging my dad using YouTube because pictured him using it the way I do… watching humorous home made videos or a new music video featuring a scantily dressed singer. It finally dawned on me that there are a ton of videos on YouTube that my dad would be very interested in watching and that YouTube became a household name when Google bought it.

Which brings me to the video my dad sent me. The subject of his email tells it all: “Armless lady – a MUST VIEW”. I don’t think he wrote the email but here were the contents:

Turn off the volume if you don’t understand Cantonese; it’s just as impressive without the commentary. For those of you who are “Cantonese-challenged:” this woman was born without arms. Her mother wanted to throw her into the ocean but the father wanted to keep her, as a puppy, if nothing else. She eventually learned to do just about everything with her feet (the most amazing portion is towards the end of the clip) and happily married her husband who was too poor to marry a normal girl. They have 3 children.


The next time I send out a link to YouTube, I’ll be sure to consider cc-ing my parents…

22 thoughts on “My Dad Uses YouTube”

  1. haha what’s nuts is that my mom linked me the same thing..i swear all asian parents fwd the same email to each ohter

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