Some Friday Fun

Had a rough week? Feel like laughing outloud? Here is some stuff that worked for me. Enjoi.

no more booda calls! this guy is so bad… but so funny!!

and some plain stupidity….

Another Great Message

Once again my mom seems to really know how to send a message….

Subject: Tips for How to win friends and influence people
If you could not open the .pdf file in previous email, you could also use this URL.
Please don’t distribute this URL since it is under my name.


Needless to say, I downloaded the .pdf. If you are in need of more influence I’ll send you the .pdf. If you are in need of more friends… I’ll be your friend.

My Newest Gadget

I finally broke down and purchased yet another.. yes… ipod. As you might remember, my last hard-drive based ipod passed away and ever since, I have been somewhat lost whenever trying to exercise or just listen to some good jams. I contemplated getting an ipod video, but I decided to go with the very sexy and sleek nano (and at a discount thanks to Laurie’s employee discount =)).

Here she is in all her glory. Please keep your hands to yourself. Thanks.

charles's nano

Monster Mash 2006

Another Halloween and another great costume party. As I was driving up to SF with He-Man (Eiki), Prefontaine (Yuta), Alice in Wonderland (Lauren), and the Travelocity Gnome (Natalie), I realized that this holiday is one of my favorite days of the year (Most likely because I’ve had great back to back Halloweens). For more great photos, check out Young’s and Tony’s photos. Although my costume didn’t quite make it through the night, I had a great time. Hope everyone else had a fun Monster Mash weekend.

Also, in my opinion, Eiki with his hairy legs continues to be the reigning champion of Best Halloween Costume. If you can beat He-Man with the power of GraySkull, please send me links and photos. Thanks.

He-Man and the Power of GraySkull

Running Shoe Science

Who knew that running shoes could be so complicated. I recently decided to make a better effort to run more so I decided to treat myself to some better shoes. With a quick trip to Running Revolution, I discovered that there is an entire science to choosing the right running shoe… who knew it would be this complicated!? Some factors that my good friend Chris helped me discover:

– The arch is key. I have flat feet so specific shoes are better for my feet.
– Your running style is unique. I always knew that I was bow-legged but I had no idea how much it could influence my running style. Chris video taped me running on a treadmill and apparently the fact that I walk like a pigeon compensates for the fact I have flat feet which seemed “uncommon” based on Chris’s reaction.
– Size is both length and width. I have relatively wide feet and no two feet are shaped the same. As a result, the seems of the shoes should complement that shape… there shouldn’t be an “adjusting” needed.

I ended up with some Saucony shoes (never heard of them before). I don’t think they are particluarly “stylish” but I don’t really care. My feet are happier which is what matters.