CharlesSpot Review: Ecco Shoes

I am no shoe person so to actually write this review should signal to you how PLEASED I am with my Ecco shoes. You might be wondering, “Charles, how do you know all Ecco shoes are good? Don’t you only have a single pair?

My answer to you is yes. You are absolutely correct; I only have a single pair. However, my experience with this particular pair so far has basically made me a lifetime customer. Unless my next pair somehow causes some rare ankle injury, I will remain an enthusiastic Ecco evangelist (if there was an evangelist program, I’d join…).

Pros: Comfort (I even wore these bad boys to work without socks one day because I just didn’t feel like wearing any…), Versatility (you can wear them to work, on the weekends, sport em at the club, or even.. wear them to fancy company holiday party), Need I add more?
Cons: Kinda pricey, I guess if you aren’t willing to drop $100+ on shoes, these kicks probably aren’t for you.

For Auld Lang Syne

What does that song title mean anyway? I tried finding the reason WHY we sing the song on New Years but all I found was this explanation from the Friends Of Scotland. Anyone know?

Anyways, thanks to the 347 Divisadero guys for hosting the fantastic party this year. 2007 definitely started in the right direction. And now.. a message from Young

Hey guys,

Thanks for joining us on New Years. I especially enjoyed when we all cracked the poppers and sprayed champagne everywhere.

Here’s some pictures to help you recap the night (in case you brrracked out).

Ben’s Pictures

Lijen’s Pictures

Lauren’s Pictures

Cheers & good luck on your resolutions this year!

Even more pictures!! Grace’s Pictures


Snow Board Freak Fest XII was awesome as expected. Here is a sweet video that Bryan made from this year’s trip. Props to Summertime Records for churning this out in record time.


Twelve years and going strong. I have high hopes for SBFF XIII.