Feeling Lucky

Young sent out this video a while ago. These guys are really talented not to mention the girl is super cute. I’m currently wearing my Google sleepwear (thanks to Christina back in the day) so I thought this would be both random and appropriate. I’m feeling lucky… are you?

3 Play!

Three important things I wanted to mention today:
1. Happy Mother’s Day! Mama Shieh is much appreciated.
2. Congrats Victor and Tammy on winning the race!! It must have been killer to keep that one a secret!
3. Congrats to Andrew and Ki on a beautiful wedding last weekend!

Also, I have been taking photos here and there for my weekly post… minus the posts. Here are 3 for the past 3 weeks of being MIA.

Red Cabin on the Hill
15 of 50

Tahoe Lookout
16 of 50

Hot Fun With Beer
17 of 50

Laundry and Cable Cars

I am starting to think the bi-weekly posting is working better for me. Here are two of my favorite shots this month. The first is from a laundromat just down the street. The second brings back memories from Hinckley. Something classic about cable cars in black and white…

The Laundromat
image 12 of 50

California Avenue
image 13 of 50

Happy Easter!

My mom is a FOB… a cool FOB though

If you can get me to sleep earlier, a true reward from mama shieh awaits you!

Subject: Could you try to sleep ealier 12 midnight instead of 2AM during weekend?

To see whether or not you can get better habbit. In result, to be healthier.

Also, if your roomate could change habbit since that might influce others (you) , I will give all of you reward by treating you a good meal.

Love mom