It has been way over a year… oh well. I’ll get to 50 eventually.
San Francisco Summertime
45 of 50
It has been way over a year… oh well. I’ll get to 50 eventually.
San Francisco Summertime
45 of 50
I’ve had books on my mind recently…. Given the rise of the Kindle and iPad, I decided to republish another book of mine to be more digitally friendly.
In the process of abandoning Blurb, I also got a real ISBN number! (btw, that might be redundant since the “N” in ISBN stands for number…) At first I didn’t understand why that mattered, but it does. Give 6-8 weeks and hopefully I’ll be a author. Also with the new digital format, if all things go my way, HTMACAG will also be available in the Kindle and iBooks store. Amazing how technology is changing books…
In light of fun videos… I wonder if the chairman practices those facial expressions? Thanks Ang for the link!
Simply Brilliant. The guys at IDEO always blow my mind. If only all prototyping were this fun and easy… or maybe it is and I’ve been going about it wrong all this time.
Prototyping for Elmo’s Monster Maker iPhone App. from IDEO on Vimeo.
Thanks to Tony’s discount at, our pictures from our bike trip to LA have been forever documented. Although it is pretty pricey, I do like that I can still share an electronic version below. Good times.
I woke up this morning and found the following iPad setup. This has got to be one of the most common iPad use cases. Hey Steve, maybe a good commercial? If I had one of these, I probably would read email on the can too…