Blog Craze – will it end?

With Netvibes bookmarked and RSS feeds for almost everything, I find myself spending more of my free time reading what my friends are thinking, doing, eating… etc.  My blogroll is starting to grow with the blogs that I read which makes me wonder… will this blog craze end?

I hope not.

If you are thinking about starting one, I hope you do because I will be an eager subscriber.

Tahoe Christmas Craziness

If you want to go snowboarding and want to stay in Tahoe, try not going during the week of Christmas. Why? People get a little crazy by requiring 14 night minimums!!! That’s right. Basically they told me if I wanted to stay in the cabin over Christmas… then I’d have to stay for 2 weeks straight which makes our 3 day trip seem like a nap. What was funny was that the guy (his name was Max) politely asked me if there was “any way to make the trip longer.” I wanted to sarcastically answer back “actually Max, that is a great idea… I think we can stay another 11 nights. no problem.”

Anyway, just found the whole thing a little ridiculous. Also, keep the rain coming.

More rain = more virgin snow = more fun = smile on my face.

(this is where Bryan starts singing Madonna’s “Like a Virgin”)

Strange Feeling

So the people that know me well know that I have this weird alergic reaction to juice. Although, there are some exceptions to the rule that include Razzmatazz from Jamba Juice and some carrot juice my mom made when I was younger, I generally try to stay away from the stuff.  Well earlier today, I felt like creating a smoothie like a DIY Razzmatazz (Laurie recently went on a smoothie grocery spree which included an assortment of frozen fruits)  While creating my smoothie concoction (mostly made of berries), I ran into a minor problem.  The blender was having a hard time blending everything and my smoothie was turning out to be very much a slushee.  I came to the conclusion that I needed something liquid to make the blend more smoothie-like.

This is where the story gets strange.  I decided to use juice.  Yes, that’s right.  Strawberry mango juice that Laurie bought at the store.  I didn’t feel that milk would be a good fit, and water seemed… boring.  I didn’t really have any other options.  It was truly a weird feeling opening the top of the carton and pouring it in to the blender.  I remember as I poured the juice, I held my breath, trying not to breath in any of the fumes.  Yes, I am weird.   Anyway, the smoothie turned out delicious (slightly on the icy side) but still good.

CharlesSpot Ratings – Eat Drink Man Woman

Overall a great movie.  It is one of the most memorable Chinese movies I have seen.  The cover brags that the movie has the same producer as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but the reality is that this movie has none of the typical Chinese stuff you see in the mainstream American media.  There is no Jet Li.  There is no Zhang Zi Yi.  Any yes Sharjeel, Jackie Chan isn’t jumping around and doing that weird neck dance that Chris Tucker taught him.  I guess that is what makes it so memorable.  If you want another rating, here is what Rotten Tomatoes has to say.

PROS:  Overall, I found the plot to be very entertaining.  I was even feeling a little emotional at the end.

CONS:  Don’t watch the movie if you are hungry.  The father in the movie is a chef so he makes some really good looking food…. which might actually make this a “pro”

Friday Workout

Last Friday my car got towed because someone had ripped off the darn sign on my meter that read “Do Not Park Here”. Luckily, Lijen (thanks man) also drove so we rolled on down to the auto pick up place which was the start to a hellish adventure of beauracracy to get my car back. There is something about doing retarded stuff at 3 in the morning that actually started to make the entire night somewhat funny. Anyways, I’ll spare you the riduculous details of printing out numbered tickets and pointless phone conversations. Bt the end of the night, I had racked up $200+ in fines thanks to SFPD, had a great time for BLT’s birthday at DragonBar, and ate a wonderful pasta dinner with Andre and Cindy. Overall, a nice night.

Oh, and I visited IKEA this past weekend to pick this bad boy up. Laurie picked it. I like it.

New Lamp

Random Thoughts

So in a few months I will be turning 25. At that point, I think I might be one of the few 25 year olds, still living in the same room I grew up in… with the same bed, same parking spot, same alarm clock, etc. You get the picture. My practical side says that I have a sweet deal: independence (my parents don’t nag me at all), a short commute to work, and really low rent…. BUT my gut tells me: dayam kid you will be 25 and you are still living at home!? I think my gut is starting to win with that line.

On a random note, earlier today, I was sitting on my bed reading the latest copy of Business 2.0 that came in the mail and I noticed my lamp. (please keep your laughter to a minimum).

Bear Lamp

I have no idea when I got this thing… or even if it is mine… or why I have kept it in my room this long. Adding to my weekend to do list – Buy a new lamp.