I Escaped


After a month of anticipation, I escaped from Alcatraz this past Saturday. The distance swimming in the pool along with the weekly Sunday swims with Pedro and Water World Swim really helped make me more comfortable. I really was impressed by the really young kids doing the swim as well as the relatively old people who were jumping in without a wet suit. Beasts.

Three interesting things about the event:
1. I touched a sea lion during the swim! I momentarily freaked out and swam as fast as I could after that.
2. A 68 year old guy beat me by 3 minutes!! I hope I’ll be in that good shape when I have grandchildren.
3. The importance of Body Glide. This stuff is critical for open water swimming otherwise, you’ll be in serious pain.

Anyway, I finished in the middle of the pack at 47 minutes. The full results can be found here (I was number 845). I’ll post some pictures from the event when I get a chance to upload them. If anyone is interested in doing the swim with me next year, LET ME KNOW. I’d enjoy having a partner in crime.

Big thanks to Jim who let me borrow his wet suit for the event.

UPDATED: Pictures from the swim are in my gallery.

Sushi Skills

We had sushi night this past Tuesday and it was a huge success. After taking a trip down the street to Mitsuwa Japanese Market, we got a good assortment of salmon, tuna, hamachi, and albacore sashimi. We had a rough start with a few hiccups making rice and rolling our first nigiri pieces… but to everyone’s surprise, the sushi turned out pretty good, especially Bert’s Monster Roll.

Here it is in all it’s glory with more pictures in my gallery.
Monster Roll!

Snape Snape Severus Snape

I am now officially done with the HP7. What that means is I am itching to talk about it with anyone who has already finished the book. I wouldn’t say that this one is the best of the series, but it does have its exciting moments. To celebrate this momentous occasion, I thought I’d post this great video from Potter Puppet Pals. Feel free to watch it more than once. I have.
