Too Much Radio

For those that drive and listen to the radio on their way to and from work, I am beginning to realize how effective the commercials are. There is something that jingle writers have figured out to get these songs injected into your memory. In fact, I found myself actually singing along to the Bud Light commercial praising “Real Men of Genius.” The one I heard today was honoring the Indecisive Food Orderer Guy.

I admit though… they are pretty darn funny.

For those with more time… Enjoy them all!! (Warning! You may get these stuck in your head)

All in a week

A lot went down this past weekend. Ronni and Sheens have some great coverage. Here are some fun photos that don’t quite capture all the fun, but at least some of it…..

The floor 10 homies posing… kinda artsy? I shall call it “Girls in Hallways.” I’d come up with some symbolic meaning for Ronni, Sheens, and the walls but it was seriously a random picture.
floor 10 homies

’04 represent – Jose had a little too much tequila. Just kiddin. I think Ronni put it best.. we are family.
04 represent

35000 miles in the sky. I took this picture because I was bored. The in flight movie was sucky, and I think the guy sitting next to me was a little creeped out because I was trying a little too hard to watch the movie on his laptop.
35000 miles

The Chinatown bus ride home was not bad. I’m glad Laurie and Toby were with me. Toby, however, wasn’t so happy…
unhappy toby

A lot can happen in a week…. I’m just glad I got to spend it with some dope people.

Friday Nights

This past Friday I didn’t go to a bar, club, or movie theater. Instead, I found my old hockey gear (which smelled really bad BTW) and dug out my rollerblades out of the garage, and hit up Mitchell Park in Sunnyvale. Skating around reminded me of when we were kids rollerblading at night and searching for hockey pucks in the dark. Good times.

Here is a picture of Lijen and a half naked Alan. I fiddled with the lighting to make it more visible and I think the photo turned out pretty cool.
Mitchell Park

Real Funny Mom

An email I got the other day in my inbox… BTW, I only ran for ~3 days. Maybe that is why she was laughing?

To: Me, my sister, and my dad
Subject: Ha… Charles starts to run

Charles starts to exercise and run this morning and try to get in good
Ha, ha…

Love mom

CharlesSpot Ratings – El Amigo Burrito

Welcome to the first CharlesSpot Rating! There may not be a huge audience for my personal ratings, but I thought it would be a good way to keep track of places, movies, shows, etc.

El Amigo Burrito – w/ Lijen, Laurie, Bert, and Supriya

Overall: A little on the $$ side, but I would say they have the best enchiladas around the area. The place is a little too clean to be considered really great mexican food. To fight the high $$, Laurie suggests that you order side plates instead of the full dinner plate.

Pros: chicken enchiladas, enchilada sauce, fresh salsa
Cons: $$, no spectacular hot sauce

RIP Gadgets

RIP iPod and Cell Phone

Dear iPod and Cell Phone,

I am sorry I didn’t take better care of you when you were under my care. For all the many times I dropped either of you, stashed you into an uncomfortable bag, or pushed your buttons too hard… I’m sorry. We have had some awesome times together. I don’t know what I am going to do now without you iPod…. I was lost for a few days without you Cell Phone until Bryan gave me his old one. Thanks for sticking by me through thick an thin. I’ll always remember you both. RIP.

Inspired by Norman.