Category Archives: Blogs

More time wasted

Got this site from Michelle. I wasted quite a bit of time here…. you can too.

My top 3:
1. Zhang Ziyi – 73%
2. Lucy Liu – 71%
3. Ichiro Suzuki – 63%

I thought it might be the picture, but these three always seem to pop up on top of the list. I guess I have feminine facial features? The ultimate test would be to ask Zhang Ziyi (or any other celebrity in their database) to use the website and see if she would match 100% to herself. I would expect at least something higher than 73%… otherwise, this thing is whack.

Also, on a random note.. my favorite new jam is Crazy by Gnarls Barkley. HA HA HA Bless your soul…!

Working Out

It looks like summer is upon us… and boy am I glad the air conditioner works in my Civic this year. With the warm weather also comes the desire to work out and blow away any excess fat. I must say.. I have heard the calling. I actually heard the calling months ago when Young taught me how great it is to work out in the morning. The problem, as is always the problem, is that I started strong… but it has now fizzled. To all those out there that are still working out and looking good for summer, my hat is off to you. Thanks for your inspiration.

On a random note… Do you use Firefox and hate it when you can’t open a certain page because it is IE specific? Well, your problem is solved!! Use this great extension that I have found priceless (especially at work):

Berkeley Update

Took a trip with Laurie back to Berkeley to pick up her diploma. A few things that were different since we left (mostly new buildings… or lack of old ones):

1. There is a gaping hole across the street from Soda Hall… and half of Cory Hall is gone.
2. The new building across from Pimentel is HUGE.
3. They are building some crazy new East Asian Studies Library.. but it doesn’t look like it has windows…
4. The newest hotspot in the Asian Ghetto is.. Satay House?