All posts by Charles

Thanks Blue Stallion

The Civic has officially been sold… as of last week. All the paperwork has been submitted to the DMV and the insurance has been replaced. Thanks Blue Stallion for all your hard work and dedication. May your new owner appreciate you as much as I did.

Warranty Defeated!

You know when you purchase something expensive, the sales guy always tries to sell you that extra warranty for some obsene amount of money? Well, I was taught never to buy them because they are a waste of money. However, when I bought my Apple Powerbook (the small 12 incher) back in college, I paid the extra money to get the three year AppleCare Service plan. At the time I thought I was just a sucker, and the only real motiviation I had to buy it in the first place was to appease my mom. For the next few years, my Powerbook worked fine. I eventually let my sister borrow it and that’s when the story becomes interesting. Due to unknown circumstances, the Powerbook “broke.” I have a feeling it had a not so nice encounter with the ground after someone… (which I am not accusing anyone here) dropped it. I got it back recently and discovered that the hard drive was pretty much a goner… A little depressed, I put the Powerbook away, thinking it was gone forever.

Boy was I wrong.

Thanks to Laurie, I discovered that my Applecare Warranty expires on September 3 this year! I brought it in to the Apple store and they basically said that all the repairs were covered at absolutely no cost! I played their tricky game of warranties and came out the victor! Just wanted to share my experience. Bottom line: if you are planning on investing in some pretty expensive hardware any time soon… you may want to think twice about the warranty.

The Red Baron

The Red Baron has officially replaced the Blue Stallion. After 6 great years of driving my Civic, it is now garaged and up for sale. So in case you see me cruising around in this:

The Red Baron

instead of this:

The Blue Stallion

Don’t be alarmed.

My favorite comment I have gotten so far about the new car:
“whoa! that car seems so AZN! hAHAHHAHA!!!” – gracie

All things new…

First thing new:
After hearing about the HBO show Entourage from a couple of my coworkers and seeing it on my way to work everyday on a 101N billboard, I finally have watched season 1… and I agree… the show is good. So good that I bought the season 1 and 2 DVDs off Amazon and am eagerly awaiting their arrival.

Second thing new:

Although it has been couple weeks since his haircut, I don’t think most people know about Toby’s new “do.” Here is the story behind his new haircut. Laurie just changed jobs so she took a family vacation to Cancun. While away she left Toby with her cousin Sharon in LA who also has a mini Yorkie (named Tubby). Sharon thought that Toby needed a haircut so her fiance took him to the groomer. The problem is that her fiance, Chuck, is Chinese and the groomer is Korean. Alas, due to the communication barrier, the groomer gave Toby the same “do” as Tubby. I think he still looks dope though. Here is shot of him passed out on my bed:

passed out toby