All posts by Charles

Third Times A Charm


This year’s wasn’t that different from past years’ escapes (2007, 2008). I didn’t finish faster than last year, but I’m happy coming in at ~46 min.

A few things different about this year:
– I didn’t swim with the South End Row Club. Instead, I did the Escape from the Rock event.
– It was my first water start. In the past, we would jump from the boat and start swimming. Today, we jumped in, lined up behind kayaks, and then started with a blowhorn. Much more intense…
– My first year not swimming alone! Kahn blew my time out of the water, finishing in 37 min. Nice swim man. Let’s do it all over again.

Thanks Mike and Natalie for the support. Sad I missed you guys at the finish line… probably better you missed my heavy breathing and goofy, slightly oversized wetsuit.

Project Porch Bench Complete

The Tanaka brothers really outdid themselves. Project Porch Bench has exceeded all of my expectations and the back porch has officially been upgraded with one badass, custom-made piece of wood work. If anyone is looking for custom made wood furniture, I have the team for you. Also, If you have been looking for an outdoor bench and would like your own Eiki Tanaka original, don’t hesitate to call me.

More bench porn to come. My connection here is pretty sucky…

UPDATE: Check out some hot bench pics here.

Have a Seat
29 of 50

vDream Merchandise

Looking for some awesome vdream gear? Wait no more. Lij, Jas, and their hot model Amy are selling some pretty cool stuff. My personal favorite is the vDream mug which I used this morning with my french press.

Get some gear…

More fun pictures here

Project Porch Bench

I’ve wanted to build a bench for our back porch for some time now. What originally started as a boring concept of 2x4s and cinder blocks has now got some real talent behind it. With these designs from Eiki in addition to Koji’s woodcrafting skills, I am pretty excited to see the outcome.

I’m thinking the wider bench might be slightly more uncomfortable on some smaller rear ends…

side two

side one

