TicketMaster owns me

Ticketmaster.com doesn’t like me or my computers. Here are two stories to illustrate this hatred… don’t worry they are completely rationale and logical.

1. Not sure if you guys remember… but I saw this HBO comedy special which cracked me up about two years ago. At the time, all I could find about Flight of the Conchords was a fan website called What The Folk and some youtube videos… no HBO special, no official website, nothing… So when I discovered they were coming to SF, I was pumped. Let’s just say my “flight” got cancelled by you guessed it.. Ticketmaster. The darn thing sold out with the quickness.

2. Sharks playoff tickets. Tickets go on sale last Thursday and I was left empty handed. Not sure how my coworker was able to purchase tickets but the fact that we went winless doesn’t bode well. Praying there will be a Game 5 so I can go up against the Ticketmaster one more time… Go Sharks!

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