Interesting Ohio

I went out to Akron, Ohio for work this past week. It turned out to be a relaxing trip with a few interesting highlights.

1. Sleeping with oatmeal – In Akron, I stayed at the Crowne Plaza which used to be the old Quaker Mills plant. The hotel converted the old silos into an entire hotel. I must say, it is a little awkward to sleep in a circular room…
2. Getting stuck – You know those movies where people get stuck in the elevator for hours? Well, it happens in real life. Luckily it didn’t happen to me… but it did happen to 16 football players from the East Michigan football team. Still wonder how all those guys fit in there…. Hopefully it wasn’t a reason for their loss the following day
3. Italians on a plane – Is it just me or when people speak Italian, they sound so passionate? The elderly couple sitting behind me on the plane sounded like they were having a heated debate, but I can imagine they were just chatting about the weather or what they had for dinner…

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